Job Packet

Commonly called a ‘job packet’ in academic hiring, this is a set of documents that provide information for potential employers,  I have endeavored to include a current version of all the various items that are frequently requested by search committees:

Curriculum Vitae


Research Statement:

Extended Research Statement Here.                                                                Extended Description of Past Research Experience Here.

Teaching Philosophy :

I emphasize student learning of skills and critical thinking, emphasizing theory as a tool for thinking that can extend outside of academic work. Particularly the emphasis on engaged problem solving and skill building is intended to provide students with an ability to move outside of traditional disciplinary bounds and develop creative solutions. While inspiration from Freire and others emphasizes ethical and social value to this form of pedagogy, I consider it primarily a response to realities of contemporary labor demands including decreasing stability and ever higher likelihood of movement between different professional domains over a lifetime of work. The realities of the modern “post-industrial” / “knowledge” economy suggest that those who are more adaptable (in part through the development of observational and critical skills) maintain better flexibility in work choices. While I am a fundamental believer in the traditional liberal arts model of breadth of learning, I consider emphases of technical and scientific materials in examples to be particularly valuable due to the privileging of these domains in our culture and contemporary forms of work. I generally include critical reading, project based work, and intensive writing, as fundamental skill areas that have been successful in the courses with which I have been involved.

I have an expanded document regarding pedagogy available.
An Expanded Document is linked here.

Extended Description of Past Courses and Teaching Experience is Linked Here

A Variety of Sample Syllabi Developed But not yet taught are  Linked Here

SAMPLES OF WRITING:                                                                                                A Sample of writing from my dissertation entitled “Navigating Care” prepared to be a stand alone article.
Encyclopedia Entries:  Eugenics (in, Restivo & Denton 2008, Battleground: Science and Technology);  Traffic LIghts, Organ Transplant  (accepted/In Press, Encyclopedia  Discovery and Invention M E Sharpe)
The NSF White Paper I wrote with Nathan Fisk, “The Challenging Potentials of Technologically Mediated Knowledge Production”
An essay for teaching:  ‘On the style and form of writing in the sciences’ was written as a handout for a general undergraduate audience to introduce the historical situatedness of scientific writing and to encourage attentiveness to style and form.